Jun 23Liked by David Azrael

Brand ≠ Campaign

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I think that can be true but given the approach of this campaign, it feels impossible to think she isn't building a brand. If you go to Spotify, she changed all her album covers to match the visual identity of Brat...

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I’m sure she won’t be a Brat for her next album. Maybe something wurst?

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Oh goodie, a special bonus track titled “It’s Prime Day”. Modern culture is Hypercorp.

(Edit: comment was nested incorrectly)

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Jun 21Liked by David Azrael

She was mentioned on at least two of the fifteenish “Out in 2024” lists that dirtmag made, and I thought that was funny.

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Jun 21Liked by David Azrael

AND I also have tickets to see her in oct ha

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I bet you're going to have an amazing time!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by David Azrael

I don't necessarily disagree with any of the points you're making here, but I think the unstated issue is brokenness of the music industry as a whole. As record sales have flatlined and streaming revenue hits pennies on the dollar, people have been forced into these absurd (and cliched!) publicity stunts to promote their albums. I'm not even going to bother getting into the arena tours/live nation/ticketmaster of it all.

That said, what famous musician for... all of time? hasn't had to do some sort of marketing for their work. Was there ever a time when this wasn't SOP to some degree or another? We've just replaced TRL visits and VH1 play time with "organic" UGC and silly social media walls. Just look at the coverage on Britney's One More Time to see that the apple really hasn't fallen far from the tree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...Baby_One_More_Time_(album)#Release_and_promotion She was even sponsored by Got Milk? (!!!! lol).

I think that artists of all kinds have been brands for a long time, we're just (possibly) recognizing them as such differently now. The ploy is cliche, the moves have all been done before. At least some of what Charli's up to is silly enough to be giving us something fun to talk about.

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I 100% agree with respect to the main issue being how broken the music industry is. I think the fact that charts have to be topped by developing stan armies who propel your music to the top is a problem.

I also realize that music is a business, businesses require marketing, and that isn't necessarily new. But the idea of building your own brand feels new to me. It's easy to go back and see artists that way but to self-profess it is, I believe anyway, a relatively new phenomenon connected to the greater overall push for everyone to have or be a brand. It's a bizarro world outgrowth of Citizens United.

And I guess the last thing is whether it has to be this way. The recent ascent of Chappell Roan feels like maybe it doesn't. As far as I know, her rapid rise in fame has been largely organic and about the music and her performances. Though, it'll be curious if she does the regular marketing tour or goes all in on a coordinated marketing effort for her next release.

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